Hillary Wins New Hampshire

This post is more about Obama than Hillary

And the MSM breaths a sigh of relief. Tim Russert was positively beaming this morning, all was right with the world, all the courses back in their proper sphere. Hillary bashing can continue unabated and Obama - well he was just the bad dream America has woken up from. No black president this year. Russert's relief was palpable through the screen.

Well, I guess that does it for Obama. Iowa was a nice gesture on behalf of white folks everywhere - you won't find me unappreciative. We may not have overcome but the fact that America is even willing to entertain the notion of a Black President - well damn, I'm touched, I really am.

I take issue with one reporters labeling Iowa, "The Whitest of White States." Little known fact - I was born in Ottumwa, Iowa and I still have family there. Seems to me the stories of the worst and most blatant racism still come from the South with New Orleans, Louisianna seeming to be some sort of testing ground for a comeback of old style racism. The whole Hurricane Katrina fiasco is it's own racial boilling pot, but it's as if the Hurricane is bringing to light a host of other issues that may not have gotten noticed otherwise.

Black kids being forced to sit in the back of the school bus.
Man getting beat by cops
- gets charged with public intoxication - too bad he doesn't drink
New Orleans cops pepper spraying protesters fighting for the right to housing at a City Council Meeting

But back to Obama. Why do I say it's the end of his presdential hopes? Well, because as a black man, I think he would have to do the impossible - sweep every single primary in order to have a ghost of a chance. Black people always have to be the best by a country mile and prove it by two country miles. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Obama is positively the best candidate out of all the Democratic and Republican candidates in the running. It's just I don't think any failure, even of a single primary, and even by the slim margin he lost by, will be allowed to pass.

And then there was his victory speech in Iowa. Obama was fine as long he's talking tough on foreign policy, the politics of change and hope, a better economy, healthcare for everyone, liberty and justice for all.

But then he said the magic words that, despite the cheers it garnered, I'm sure must have had some white folks shaking their heads - maybe even shaking in their boots:

"Hope is what led a band of colonists to rise up against an empire. What led the greatest of generations to free a continent and heal a nation. What led young women and young men to sit at lunch counters and brave fire hoses and march through Selma and Montgomery for freedom's causeHope is what led a band of colonists to rise up against an empire. What led the greatest of generations to free a continent and heal a nation. What led young women and young men to sit at lunch counters and brave fire hoses and march through Selma and Montgomery for freedom's cause."
And the minute I heard this part of his speech, it brought tears to my eyes, I will not lie. But I also thought - White America does not want to be reminded of this - ever. The penalty for this reminder, even in one line of a victory speech about hope, may be that he will lose the entire race.

And so, Hillary wins New Hampshire, along with McCain on the Republican side - and Obama, I'm sure will continue this fight.

I only hope he can still win.


  1. I agree with all of your post, except that I still think Obama can pull off the whole shebang. He is a full head above the other candidates, and will now be seen as the underdog.


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