FYI: Death and Destruction Continue despite Election and US Media Ignorance

Smoke billows outside the US embassy in Sana yesterday after a car bomb set off a series of explosions outside the heavily fortified embassy in Yemen. Photo and caption from the newspaper Times of Malta

While I and my family slept safe in our beds
While I got my daughter safely off to school
Despite the recent battle with storm winds
While I took so much for granted
Like electricity
Or even breathing
Seven More Soldiers Died In Iraq

The US Embassy is under attack in Yemen.
What have we done to piss off Yemen?
Ah, it's Al Queda again.
Another day
Another terrorist

While we dither over Obama/Biden, McCain/ Palin
Come on, is this really a choice for some of you people?
Please wake the hell up already.

Even so, while we focus on inconsequentials
The sons and daughters of our great nation

So that our Emperor can fiddle while Babylon burns

The economy is fine
Gas prices are fine
We only think things are bad
We have become a nation of whiners

Yet billions of our tax dollars will be spent to bail out private corporations enabled in their failure and corruption by the people who tell us

The economy is fine
Gas prices are fine
We only think things are bad
We have become a nation of whiners

Seven more soldiers dead in Iraq
How many Iraqi's will be killed in retribution for their deaths?
Talk about a zero sum game.

I am not whining
These problems
These deaths
Are real

I am angry
I am saddened
I am crying

Back to your regularly scheduled life.


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