Something Worth Fighting For

Come out and show your support for the Anna Louise Inn. Click here to get the latest updates on the fight to save the Anna Louise Inn.

From the Cincinnati Union Bethel Website:
"The president and CEO of the National Fair Housing Alliance has issued a statement regarding the Anna Louise Inn:

The Anna Louise Inn provides valuable and much needed services to women in need of affordable, safe housing. The National Fair Housing Alliance is watching with concern the efforts of the Inn to stay in its downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, location in the face of neighbor opposition. The National Fair Housing Alliance is a consortium of private, non-profit fair housing organizations, state and local civil rights agencies, and individuals from throughout the United States dedicated to ending housing discrimination.

The National Fair Housing Alliance, HOME of Cincinnati, and its members nationwide work hard to eliminate the illegal discrimination that still exists today. It is a basic tenet of the federal Fair Housing Act that neighbors cannot prevent someone from living in a neighborhood because of discriminatory prejudice and stereotypes. The fair housing laws do not simply apply to landlords and real estate agents; they also apply to neighbors who try to drive someone out of their home through harassment, intimidation, or coercion.

In addition, the City of Cincinnati has a duty to under the federal Fair Housing Act to affirmatively further fair housing, which involves assessing barriers to housing choice and taking actions to counteract any barriers. Nationally, downtowns are being redeveloped as more people realize the benefits of living an urban life style; but such redevelopment efforts should not be accomplished to the detriment of integrated, mixed-income neighborhoods. Cincinnati has an obligation to analyze potential barriers in this case and to take action to work to ensure inclusion in its urban redevelopment efforts.

The National Fair Housing Alliance urges Western & Southern to cease its opposition to the Anna Louise Inn and become a welcoming good neighbor who values neighborhood diversity."


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