No School: Coronavirus
Trump, Pence, and McConnell have their idiot education shill Betsy DeVos pushing full time school with no distance learning at all.
I think a lot of states will ignore that and go for distance learning but we already know it's a stretch for parents to work full time and help monitor their children's studies.
Many people seem to live in some magical universe where parents are free to be home with kids all day and focus on nothing but schoolwork or where distance learning works there exact same as a classroom.
We could have had that world but the Republican's won't invest in stimulus to keep people going.
Academics are important but survival is even moreso. We're going to have to survive before we can educate. That's a bigger problem than you realize for a lot of people.
So yeah, the 2020 -2021 school year is lost to coronavirus. When the government gets their shit together, we start the kids on learning socialization skills and manners with academics being secondary on the agenda for at least the first half of the year when they go back to school.
We give everybody an extra year or two of high school or open up junior colleges for further instruction if we need to.
We can do generalized home instruction until then and the state can be happy with whatever parents can do from home.
Until then, school is closed. This whole wishful thinking that we're going back to school or that every kid can go back to school online or some sort of hybrid system is just ridiculous.
Listen to me: It's Over. Even if we were doing everything right, sending kids to school is outright dangerous..
Countries who have done testing, contact tracing and social distancing and who have citizens who are actually willing to cooperate with each other have still had outbreaks of cases.
America is doing nothing, or next to nothing, besides begging people to wear a mask and we can't get people on board with that and law enforcement is not going to make white people wear masks. Not going to happen.
They had a meeting to try to plan reopening schools in San Francisco. 40 people exposed to coronavirus.
They tried two teachers sharing a classroom both of them social distancing, teaching online. Both of them now have COVID19.
There is a summer camp, mostly kids outdoors with them taking precautions and social distancing. 80 kids and staff now have COVID19.
White people can't so much as control head lice or sumach flu in schools and you think you can trust them to protect our kids from one of the most contagious diseases to hit the planet?
This idea that we can carry on as normal is done.
Until we get rid of Trump and everyone who enables his delusional bullshit we're going to be lucky to survive let alone go to school.
There was a young black girl who died of COVID19 in May. She spent some of her last days in the hospital doing homework for a graduation she would never attend.
Fuck That. My kids will be taught and I will do the best I can, but there's more than academics they need to learn right now. That's what I'm going to do until this is over.
But the world we were living in is over. That's just done.
Trump and Mitch McConnell and their little dog Betsy DeVos can all go fuck themselves. I'm not risking my kids and my family for their stock portfolios.
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