At The End of The Internet
I spend an ungodly amount of time online. I'm one of those Mom's whether my kids comes and takes the phone out of my hand and demands a hug. Despite the fact that I know the details of the consistency of his poop (we're coming to the end of potty training, thank goodness) the littlest one has the idea that I don't pay him enough attention (I do) and that I love my phone more than him (nah).
At any rate, occasionally I reach what I feel is The End of the Internet. That furthest corner of virtual space where silliness, craziness, darkness reigns. It's kind of like The End of The Rainbow or the Light At The End of the Tunnel. Whatever I find there, I bring back for your perusal.
I found a hellishly dark corner on Twitter today, worthy of saying, I Went to the End of the Internet and this is what I found for you.
And before you think it's too bad just know that I laughed. I laughed an awful, desperate laugh. That laugh Sally Field dredges up after the funeral in Steel Magnolias. It's the kind of laugh that uncovers truth and borders on the edge of humor, grief, madness and unfulfilled hopes. After laughter and not quite tears.
I actually created and posted a gif of that laugh because it was the only decent response I could think of.
I did think of an indecent response but it's waaay too soon for that one.
Anyhow, here are the tweets.
Like I said. Brutal.
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